Commitment. Determination.
Commitment. Determination.

Monterey Child Abuse & Neglect Lawyers

Helping Our Clients Fight Back Against Serious Charges of Neglect and Abuse

California authorities take all criminal acts seriously. However, if a prosecutor is able to establish that child abuse or neglect occurred, the system is particularly tough on defendants. Regardless of the facts of what happened, a conviction often results in an outcome that includes jail time and serious fines. In some cases, those serving consecutive sentences could find themselves in prison for decades. If you’re facing serious charges, a Monterey child abuse and neglect lawyer may be able to help.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, our California criminal defense attorneys are committed to securing the best possible outcome for each of our clients. When someone is facing charges of child abuse or child neglect, the evidence against them may seem overwhelming. They may have multiple state and local agencies coming after them. This is why anyone going up against the system should seek out dedicated legal representation.

Contact our law offices today to schedule a free consultation.

The Importance of Working With Law Offices

If you’re on the fence about calling a criminal defense lawyer, it’s important to understand the stakes you’re facing. While no one is required to hire an attorney, failing to do so means you’ll go up against experienced prosecutors and police without an advocate on your side. Even a misdemeanor child abuse case can result in incarceration lasting a year — along with thousands in fines. And if the state believes you’re a danger to children, they may try to make you serve consecutive sentences.

Avoiding such an outcome is an important reason to work with child abuse and neglect lawyers in Monterey, CA. Whether you’re accused of hurting someone in your own family or a non-relative, the consequences of a conviction can be severe. In fact, a felony charge of child abuse could land you in prison for six years on a single conviction. You need legal representation who has extensive experience in fighting these serious charges.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, we’ve worked with everyone from parents facing custody battles to individuals going up against statutory rape charges. We know what it takes to avoid a conviction, and once we’re involved in a case, that’s exactly what we’re working towards. This may mean getting charges dropped altogether, or it may be necessary to work out a plea arrangement. And when this isn’t enough, we’ll serve as staunch advocates for you during trial.

Can Statutory Rape Warrant Child Abuse Charges?

Sometimes, child abuse and neglect cases are straight forward. Perhaps a misunderstanding with police resulted in charges, or maybe false allegations led to an investigation. When charges of statutory rape are involved, however, things can get much more complex. Criminal defense attorneys will often see prosecutors add as many charges as possible in order to scare someone into accepting a plea deal. This happens frequently in statutory rape cases.

Someone convicted of statutory rape already faces the prospect of years in prison if convicted. If this person is also hit with child abuse charges, they could find themselves facing the prospect of nearly a decade behind bars — or even longer if the prosecutor wants to add additional charges. This is why you need a legal professional with knowledge of these cases on your side. The prosecution wants to scare you into a guilty plea, but you should never do this before you obtain legal representation.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, we’re here to help you understand your legal rights. If you have to hire a Monterey child abuse and neglect attorney, you’re clearly facing difficult times. However, we’ll work hard to help you preserve your dignity and ensure you’re treated fairly under the law. No matter what you’re charged with, you deserve dedicated and knowledgeable legal representation. Contact us today to discuss your case — free of charge.

Is There a Criminal Defense Against Child Abuse Charges?

At times, the evidence against a person may seem overwhelming. Perhaps police took photos of severe injuries after an alleged assault, or maybe there are multiple witnesses making claims. Every situation is different in its own way, but the one constant is that a conviction can ruin a person’s life. Fortunately, there are many potential legal defenses to child abuse and neglect charges in Monterey, CA. Such defenses include:

  • False accusations
  • Lack of intent (e.g., accidental harm)
  • Parental rights and autonomy (within legal bounds)
  • Discipline was within the bounds of the law and not excessive
  • Mental health issues
  • Inadequate evidence
  • Character witnesses and alibis
  • Fourth Amendment violations (e.g., no search warrant)
  • Proving compliance with court orders

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, we investigate every avenue to avoid or mitigate potential penalties. This goes beyond merely trying to have charges dropped. For instance, we’re often able to help those with mental health issues secure better outcomes through Mental Health Diversion. And since we understand the difficulties faced by those in the military, we even offer discounts for former and active duty personnel.

At our law firm, our goal isn’t to get rich off our clients. We’re focused on securing justice, and this can mean different things in different situations. Regardless of what you’re going through, our Monterey child abuse and neglect attorneys are here to help.

Contact a Monterey Child Abuse and Neglect Lawyer Today

If you’re facing child abuse charges in Monterey, CA, it’s important to remember that you have legal rights. Police and prosecutors will try to convince you that a conviction is unavoidable. However, this very often is not the case. The state must prove someone guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in court, and that means the burden of proof is not on those who are charged. Still, it’s critical to have a legal professional on your side.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, we are committed to securing favorable outcomes for our clients. We work directly with investigators who have decades of experience, and our goal is always to have charges dropped. However, the prosecution will not always go along with this — and in these cases, we’ll tirelessly advocate on your behalf to safeguard your future. Contact us at (831) 480-9217 to schedule your free initial consultation.

Our Monterey child abuse and neglect lawyers are here to assist.