Commitment. Determination.
Commitment. Determination.

Monterey Property Crime Lawyers

Helping Our Clients Avoid Unfair Outcomes in the Legal System

Property crimes in California occupy a unique corner of the criminal justice system. This area of law involves various types of offenses — both violent and non-violent — that can range from misdemeanors to felonies. If you’re facing allegations or have been arrested, there are many complex criminal defense issues you need to know about. Before you opt to accept a plea deal — regardless of how fair it might seem — it’s important to discuss your case with an experienced legal advocate. A Monterey property crime lawyer may be able to assist.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, our goal is to help each of our clients avoid conviction. In some instances, this means having criminal charges dropped entirely — which can then result in even the arrest record being expunged. However, charge dismissal will not always be possible. Fortunately, a criminal lawyer at our law firm will work to secure a fair plea deal, a not guilty verdict, or another favorable outcome that minimizes negative effects on your life. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

Our Monterey County property crimes attorneys are here to assist.

What Are Common Property Crimes in California?

If you’re able to secure excellent representation after being charged, the underlying property crime you’re facing might become less important. After all, your attorney may be able to have charges dismissed entirely — or it’s very possible that they could have charges downgraded to something far less serious. However, it’s still important to recognize what you’re up against. Understanding the case against you and working with an attorney are likely the two most important things you can do to protect your freedom.

Before heading into court — or even discussing your case with police or prosecutors — it’s important to understand the most common property crime allegation you may face:

  • Vandalism
  • Larceny
  • Trespassing
  • Arson
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Robbery
  • Shoplifting
  • Embezzlement
  • Fraud

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, we handle these types of cases and other related practice areas. We’re not in the business of getting as much money as possible from our clients. Rather, we’re focused solely on securing the best possible outcome in their cases. Our legal team has the knowledge and experience to help you mount a solid legal defense. No matter what police or prosecutors might tell you, it’s critical for you to work with a Monterey property crime attorney on your case.

Contact our law firm today to learn how we can assist.

How Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Assist?

If you’re facing criminal charges in California, you may wonder whether a Monterey property crimes attorney can actually help. Perhaps you believe you were caught “red-handed,” and it seems like the prosecutor’s plea offer is fair. Maybe you think the evidence will exonerate you. Unfortunately, individuals with either of these beliefs often discover they were wrong. After all, there’s a reason people choose to hire a criminal defense lawyer when facing serious charges. The simple fact is that prosecutors are often more concerned with convictions than true justice.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, every legal professional you work with is extremely knowledgeable in their field. We pride ourselves on our service and dedication to each client. Whether you’re in San Benito County, the Monterey area, or anywhere else in our surrounding community — we will work hard to ensure you get the best possible outcome in your case. We can work to have charges dismissed, negotiate a better plea deal, represent you at trial, and even try to secure alternatives to traditional penalties.

Contact us today. Our criminal defense attorneys are committed to helping you take your life back.

How Do You Choose the Right Criminal Defense Attorney?

Criminal law is complicated no matter what a person is charged with. From DUI and minor drug charges to domestic violence and homicide, any charge carries with it the potential for incarceration and other damaging penalties. This is why you need to know how to choose the right criminal defense lawyers for your case. First, you need to make sure your attorney has experience in cases like yours. You’ll also want to ensure they’re well-established in the area and have a winning record — both at trial and in their ability to secure other favorable outcomes (e.g., diversion programs, probation, expungement, etc.).

The simple fact is that criminal law is a complex area, and those who find themselves caught up in it are often unsure of what to do. Fortunately, you don’t have to figure out these complicated matters yourself. At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, our criminal defense law firm will handle all the heavy lifting on your behalf. We are not afraid to take cases to trial, and when possible, we can sometimes help avoid conviction entirely with Mental Health Diversion and other alternative sentencing options.

We also provide free case evaluations and offer discounts to both active and former military members. You need a Monterey property crime lawyer who understands that it’s not always as simple as “guilty versus innocent.” The criminal justice system is confusing and dynamic, but we’ll fight to ensure you’re not trampled by it. Check our online reviews and you’ll understand why we have some of the highest client satisfaction rates in the state — then contact us for a free consultation.

Contact Our Property Crime Lawyers Today

Whether you’re in San Luis Obispo, Pacific Grove, San Francisco, or any other area of California — you fall under strict state laws regarding property crimes. Even seemingly minor offenses can result in jail time, and unfortunately, a person’s life can be completely derailed even during a short stint of incarceration. Of course, imprisonment isn’t the only disastrous outcome if you’re convicted. This is why it’s so important to speak with an experienced attorney before making any major decisions about your case. Your freedom could literally depend on it.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, you’ll work directly with criminal defense lawyers who are committed to securing a favorable outcome on your behalf. We represent clients in a variety of practice areas, but property crimes are among the most complex. It’s not uncommon to see unfair outcomes in the system — sometimes even resulting in innocent people facing conviction. Fortunately, it may be possible to secure a better outcome — ranging from reduced charges to avoiding prosecution entirely. Contact us today at (831) 480-9217 to schedule your free consultation.

Our Monterey property crime lawyers are here to help.