Commitment. Determination.
Commitment. Determination.
Charged with domestic violence?

Monterey Domestic Violence Lawyers

Dedicated to Helping Our Clients Avoid Severe Domestic Abuse Penalties

Facing a domestic violence charge anywhere in America is a serious situation. However, potential outcomes for defendants in California can be far more severe. Our state will often put the rights of the alleged victim ahead of the accused, and this frequently results in unfair charges, convictions, and penalties. Additionally, California law places a wide range of acts under the umbrella of domestic abuse. If you’re facing any of these charges, a Monterey domestic violence lawyer may be able to help.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, you’ll work with dedicated legal professionals who can assist with everything from misdemeanor to felony charges. Whether you’re accused of making threats, stalking, harming children, domestic assault, or any number of other allegations — you’re entitled to legal representation. Our law firm will review all the evidence presented by the prosecution and do our best to have charges dismissed — and if this isn’t possible, we’ll fight for a favorable outcome.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a domestic violence attorney in Monterey County 831-480-9217 .

How Serious Are Domestic Violence Charges in Monterey County?

It’s difficult to convey how truly serious domestic violence charges are in California. In all cases, they can result in severe consequences. However, it’s important to note that there are various types of domestic violence charges under California law. In some instances, a related charge may result in one year in jail and a fine of $2,000 (e.g., domestic battery charges). However, other charges can result in five years or more in prison along with $10,000 or more in fines (e.g., felony stalking).

Consider some of the most common domestic violence cases our law office handles:

  • Corporal punishment to a spouse or inhabitant
  • Child endangerment
  • Domestic battery
  • Child abuse
  • Elder abuse
  • Stalking
  • Criminal threats
  • Child neglect
  • Aggravated trespass
  • Posting harmful information on the internet
  • Revenge porn

This list is far from exhaustive. A wide array of potential charges could be charged if someone is accused of harming or threatening certain individuals. The consequences of a conviction can range from lengthy prison terms to effects on immigration status. This is why working with a Monterey domestic violence attorney with extensive experience in the area is so essential.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, we offer more than just knowledgeable experience. We also have an investigator with decades of experience who is committed to helping us win cases. Don’t risk your future or your freedom on severe criminal penalties. Contact us today.

Do You Really Need a Domestic Violence Attorney?

When someone is charged with domestic violence in Monterey County, they often wonder if they need a criminal defense attorney. Perhaps they believe that the evidence clearly supports their innocence, or maybe they think that the plea deal offered by the District Attorney is fair. There may even be cases — such as violations of restraining orders or instances where great bodily injury has occurred — where the accused believes they have no chance of winning their case.

Regardless of the unique circumstances of your case, making such assumptions can prove devastating. No matter what the police or prosecutor says, their job is to secure the most severe penalties possible. In some cases, they’ll overcharge defendants to make them fear potential penalties that are very unlikely to occur. In all cases, they don’t want you to speak with a Monterey domestic violence attorney — because these professionals will work to ensure you’re not unfairly prosecuted.

Once you’re taken into custody, your first call should be to a criminal defense lawyer. At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, our attorneys will review your case during a free consultation and help you understand your options. Even if you think the case against you is airtight, getting free legal advice is never a bad idea. We’re here to provide the legal protection you deserve, so contact us today to learn more.

Are There Defenses for Domestic Violence Cases?

Police and prosecutors see it as their responsibility to protect victims from domestic violence. They use varying strategies to accomplish this — often in the form of a court order or criminal charges. However, they’re sometimes overzealous in their efforts. In many cases, this results in persons facing unfair allegations and facts being ignored in order to secure a conviction. Fortunately, there are legal defenses to domestic violence charges just like any other crime. Such defenses could include:

  • Fabricated allegations
  • The accused was acting in self-defense
  • Lack of intent
  • Mistaken identity
  • Unlawful arrest or other constitutional violations
  • Actions were to defend or protect others (e.g., preventing abuse against children)
  • Lack of cooperation from the alleged victim
  • Inadequate evidence proving harm or criminal acts
  • Proving there was consent from each person involved (e.g., “rough” sex)

Potential legal defenses to domestic violence charges are not limited to those listed above. If you’ve been charged with a crime, you deserve a dedicated legal defense. At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, our legal team will challenge the state’s case at every turn. We know that a conviction can be detrimental to a person’s life, so we work hard to secure the most favorable outcome possible for each of our clients.

Additionally, we’ve helped many of our clients who suffer from psychiatric issues secure Mental Health Diversion — and we offer discounts to all former and current military members. We’re here to help, so reach out today for your free consultation.

Contact a Monterey Domestic Violence Lawyer Today

There is no such thing as a “typical” domestic violence case. However, the consequences of a criminal conviction can be disastrous regardless of the circumstances of your situation. Charges related to violence, violation of a restraining order, intimidation, revenge porn, and many other allegations can land someone on the wrong side of the law. In some instances, these accusations could be nothing more than a misunderstanding or vindictive acts by former spouses. Either way, you need an advocate.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, domestic violence law is one of our primary practice areas. In our years of defending clients, we’ve seen the system railroad innocent people. We’ve seen inappropriate sentences handed down in a warped sense of “justice.” Sadly, this is a common outcome when those accused of domestic violence choose to navigate the system on their own. Fortunately, this is not a mistake you have to make. Our Monterey domestic violence lawyers are here to help.

Contact us at (831) 480-9217 to schedule your free consultation.


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