Commitment. Determination.
Commitment. Determination.

Monterey Juvenile Crime Lawyers

Dedicated Legal Representation to Help Your Child Keep Their Life on Track

The youth of our country are our most valuable asset. However, most of us remember a time when we didn’t think twice about engaging in ridiculous, unsafe, and even illegal behaviors in our younger years. Unfortunately, these acts can have lasting effects when they land a minor in the juvenile justice system. California has taken measures to remedy the harsh reality of this system — like choosing to shut down juvenile state facilities — but the system can still be a harsh one. Fortunately, a Monterey juvenile crimes lawyer may be able to assist.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, our legal team understands that mistakes in youth don’t have to define a person’s entire life. Unfortunately, the juvenile criminal system creates a situation where someone could face decades of consequences for something they did as a child or teenager. Due to the potential for such devastating outcomes, it’s important to work with a juvenile law professional if your child has been charged with a crime. From truancy to violent acts, our Monterey County juvenile crimes attorneys are here to help.

What Are the Juvenile Charge Types in Monterey County?

If your child has been accused of a crime, seeking legal counsel is always the right decision. They can help you understand the charges against your child — which can vary significantly based on the circumstances of a case. For instance, did you know that there are three separate types of juvenile criminal cases — one of which wouldn’t result in charges if the minor was just a little older?

Your Monterey County juvenile defense lawyer can help you better understand the types of charges your child is facing:

Juvenile Status Offenses

When someone is under the age of 18, they face additional rules that adults do not have to abide by. Laws in this category include those targeting school truancy, curfew violations, alcohol possession, and other issues that wouldn’t be criminal for an adult. While these are considered the least serious juvenile offenses, they can still negatively affect juveniles for years into their adult lives.

Juvenile Delinquency Offenses

Acts that are criminal regardless of a person’s age are known as juvenile delinquency offenses when a minor commits them. Such crimes include trespassing, vandalism, assault, and more serious offenses. These offenses go through three main stages.

The stages include a detention hearing where a court will decide whether a minor should be detained or released to their parents. A jurisdictional hearing then occurs where the prosecutor is tasked with proving guilt. A disposition hearing is then held if the juvenile is found guilty. The court will determine the minor’s punishment there.

Children Charged as Adults

Teenagers over the age of 16 can be charged as adults. Children between the ages of 14-16 can face adult charges for certain violent or sex-related offenses. While the prosecutor’s office can charge these crimes as if an adult committed them, there are still rules they have to follow that are meant to protect minors. Unfortunately, some prosecutors play fast and loose with these rules — particularly if they have a vendetta against specific charges. Let our Monterey juvenile crime attorneys review your child’s case and ensure they’re treated fairly as California law requires.

How Do Crimes in California’s Juvenile System Differ From Adult Crimes?

The juvenile court system has some similarities to the adult court system. However, the differences that do exist between the two are incredibly stark. This is because we understand that juvenile brains are not yet fully developed. Because of this, most criminal acts committed by young offenders are treated differently in the system. There are separate courts, rules and procedures, detention facilities, and laws aimed at protecting the welfare of minors and rehabilitating them.

Of course, there must be a focus on public safety. This is why youthful offenders can still face penalties such as probation, incarceration in juvenile facilities, fines, alternative sentencing, and even imprisonment in adult facilities. Still, those accused of juvenile crimes — or even those charged in adult courts — are given much more consideration than adults would receive. And if you have a Monterey juvenile criminal defense attorney on your side, your child may be able to secure a favorable outcome.

Can a Juvenile Court Judge Provide Alternatives to Conviction?

A judge can use alternatives to incarceration and even convictions within the adult court system. Therefore, it makes sense that there would be similar diversionary options for judges to use for those charged during their youth. For instance, a juvenile case may result in a minor being sent to diversion rather than facing criminal penalties. Such diversion programs can include crisis shelters, mental health facilities, and substance abuse treatment programs.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, we’ve helped many adult offenders avoid imprisonment by using Mental Health Diversion. This provides additional experience for every attorney at our law firm that can prove invaluable to your child’s case. Outside of diversion, a judge may also grant a deferred entry of judgment. This means the juvenile will admit to at least one charge that they’re facing, and the court will then impose probation terms. If probation is successfully completed, no conviction will be on the record.

If a juvenile doesn’t complete their probation, they may be given wardship probation. This effectively gives the court jurisdiction over the minor — meaning they can require counseling, curfew restrictions, and utilize other probationary terms. This approach can also be used to avoid incarceration. Non-wardship probation is similar in some ways, but the court cannot remove the minor from their home. Put simply, things can get complex when your child is arrested — but our Monterey County juvenile crime lawyers are here to help.

Contact Our Monterey Juvenile Crime Lawyers Today

Children and teenagers are going to make mistakes. It’s a simple part of growing up. Unfortunately, these mistakes are sometimes direct violations of the law. Because of this, they can lead to serious penalties — including lasting criminal records, high fines, and even imprisonment. Fortunately, minors are given more leeway in the criminal justice system — but this doesn’t mean that the state will go easy on them. This is why it’s critical to contact a criminal defense attorney when your child is accused of a crime or detained by police.

At the Law Offices of William V. Pernik, we’ve seen juveniles who were charged with crimes go on to live thriving and successful lives. Everyone deserves a second chance, and in reality, our nation’s youth deserve even more. Why use incarceration when probation can be just as effective? More importantly, why put a stain on a young person’s record when there may not be enough evidence to support a conviction? Don’t trust a prosecutor or judge to know the right answers. Work with criminal defense attorneys in Monterey whose primary focus is your child.

Contact us at (831) 480-9217 to schedule your free consultation. Our Monterey juvenile crimes lawyers are here to assist.