Commitment. Determination.
Commitment. Determination.

Monterey Probation Violation Lawyers

When a criminal defense lawyer takes on a case, they’ll always attempt to have charges dismissed or to secure a not guilty verdict. However, there are instances where this may not be possible. In such situations, securing a sentence of probation may be the best potential outcome. This allows the accused individual to avoid jail time — often for the entirety of their sentence.

However, there are conditions to this form of criminal sentencing. If you’re accused of not meeting these conditions, a Monterey probation violation lawyer may be able to help.

Our California criminal defense law firm serves Monterey County and all nearby counties. We always strive to secure the best possible outcome for our clients, and in many cases, this means simply keeping them out of jail.

If you’re accused of committing a new crime or violating the terms of your probation, a judge may put you in jail or utilize other punitive measures. Our criminal defense attorneys will strive to help you avoid such an outcome. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

What Can Lead to Probation Violations Charges?

When a person is given probation after facing criminal charges, the court will detail the conditions of their release. Probation officers are assigned to these individuals, and the probationer will have to obey the directives of their officer while also abiding by their probation conditions. Failure to do so can land them in court and potentially result in a new criminal case.

The following are the most common reasons California citizens are accused of probation violations:

  • Failure to appear for meetings with probation officer or scheduled court hearings
  • Failed alcohol or drug screening tests
  • Possession of weapons or the use of illegal drugs
  • Associating with persons who commit criminal acts or have a criminal record
  • Failure to complete programs (e.g., substance abuse treatment, anger management) ordered by the court
  • Failure to pay restitution or other court-ordered fines
  • Leaving the state of California without first getting approval from probation officer
  • Failing to comply with the conditions of probation (e.g., maintaining employment, community service)
  • Committing a new criminal offense while serving a probationary sentence

Regardless of the crime a person is accused of, the potential impact on their lives can be devastating. Even a misdemeanor offense can snatch a person out of their lives and result in jail time. Probation is a great way to avoid such a burden, but it only takes one mistake or unfair allegation to ruin everything.

Even the most hard-working probationer in the state — who’s solely focused on getting their life back on track — can find themselves back in court facing the prospect of incarceration.

A Monterey County probation violation lawyer from our law firm will fight to help you avoid this.

What Are the Consequences of a Probation Violation?

When someone is accused of probation violation, there are a few ways that things might play out. Hopefully, the probation officer will choose to handle the issue informally. However, they do have the option to order a court appearance.

If this happens, it’s important to meet with Monterey probation violation attorneys before doing anything else. That’s because you’ll often go before the same judge who sentenced you, and an alleged violation may make them feel as if they were ignored.

If you either admit to the violation or the government proves that you violated probation, your case will probably be referred to the Probation Department. They’ll create a report and provide a new sentencing recommendation. The court may follow this recommendation, but this is not guaranteed.

Regardless of their decision, they could reinstate probation, terminate it, add modifications, or simply send you to jail. If you’re accused of a new crime (i.e., substantive violation), you may face additional penalties under the law.

Put simply, your liberty is now at greater risk than it has been since your initial probation violation charges. Working with experienced criminal defense lawyers is critical.

Why Hire an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney?

Many people forgo legal representation for probation violations. They often believe that their probation officer has broad authority and are absolutely correct in this belief. However, this doesn’t mean that they can be unilaterally remanded to jail.

Even if you believe there’s no possible defense for what you’re accused of, it’s essential to have a Monterey probation violation attorney on your side. They can talk to your probation officer, work out a deal with the courts, or show that there’s no evidence of a violation.

The importance of avoiding the consequences of a probation violation cannot be overstated. At best, you could end up facing additional conditions from the court — and these are often very expensive to abide by.

In some instances, it may be only a matter of time before you’re unable to comply with these new conditions. In a worst-case scenario, you may be snatched away from your life and forced to complete your sentence behind bars.

Our legal team doesn’t want to see this happen to you. Contact us today for a free case review. We’ll help you understand your options and fight to secure a favorable outcome for your probation violation case.

Contact a Monterey Probation Violation Attorney Today

When judges hand down a sentence of probation for criminal charges, it’s often a major win for the person accused of a crime. Instead of sitting in jail, this individual is allowed to go back to their family and work to keep their life moving forward. Of course, it’s necessary to accept certain conditions during sentencing.

If authorities believe you’ve committed a new crime or simply failed to abide by the conditions of your probation, they may put effort into seeing you imprisoned. Experienced criminal defense lawyers can fight to minimize this risk.

Our legal team is committed to securing favorable outcomes for individuals in and around Monterey County. We’ve seen how a probation violation can derail an individual’s life, and it’s our goal to ensure our clients don’t face such an outcome.

Whether you’re concerned you might have violated the conditions of your sentence or your probation violation hearing has already been scheduled, we’ll dedicate the entirety of our experience and knowledge to assisting you. Contact us at (831) 480-9217 today to discuss your case during a free consultation.

Our Monterey violation of probation attorney is here to help.