Commitment. Determination.
Commitment. Determination.
Charged with domestic violence?

Salinas Domestic Violence Lawyer

What is Domestic Violence?

Under California law, almost any crime committed against a current or former spouse or cohabitant or a parent of your child can be deemed a crime of domestic violence. These criminal cases trigger additional protections for the alleged victim and restrictions on the defendant. In Monterey County and the surrounding counties, the most commonly charged domestic violence crimes are domestic battery and inflicting a corporal injury on a spouse.

Time is of the essence when facing criminal charges. Call 831-480-9165 or contact us online to arrange a free consultation with the Law Offices of William V. Pernik.

What is Corporal Injury on a Spouse?

Inflicting corporal injury on a spouse is one of California’s domestic violence charges. Similar to spousal battery, inflicting corporal injury on a spouse involves a person you have a close relationship with; however, the difference between the two is that an individual charged with inflicting corporal injury on a spouse actually inflicted some type of injury.

Consequences of Domestic Violence Charges

The outcome of your domestic violence case can have lasting effects on you and your family. You may be legally prohibited from having contact with your loved ones, forced to move out of your residence, give up your right to own or possess firearms, and required to take lengthy counseling as part of your probation.

In addition, the stigma from your domestic violence conviction can follow you in your personal and professional life. For these reasons, it is critical to hire a criminal defense attorney you can trust to effectively handle your domestic violence case. Law Offices of William V. Pernik is passionate about defending persons wrongfully accused of violence against their loved ones and has the necessary experience and understanding of these domestic violence cases to craft the most persuasive arguments on your behalf in court in Salinas, CA.

Fighting Domestic Abuse Accusations

Law Offices of William Pernik works hard to protect your interests in a domestic violence case. Our criminal defense lawyers know and understand that this is a difficult and emotional time in your life and will treat you with the care and compassion you deserve. With our experienced criminal defense attorney, William Pernik, at the helm of your legal defense, you can gain confidence that we will do everything possible to secure a positive outcome while helping you through this trying time.

If you are innocent of these criminal charges, we will leave no stone unturned in your defense and will work hard to expose the falsity of the accusations or the exaggerated nature of the claims made against you.

If necessary, we will search through phone and social media records, interview witnesses, and consult expert professionals, such as psychologists, medical doctors, and blunt force trauma experts, to expose the inconsistencies between the accuser’s story and the other evidence in the domestic violence case.

At the same time, we also understand that domestic violence reports often mask a deeper problem in the relationship, such as infidelity, child custody issues, substance abuse, or mental health problems. Sometimes, a call to the police may be part of a plan to influence a current or future family law case or exact revenge for a past wrong.

Just as often, it can be an act of desperation by your loved one, trying to get you to help for a perceived substance abuse or mental health problem, and mistakenly thinking that calling the police is the way to bring attention to a problem long ignored.

What are the Penalties for Spousal Abuse?

As a form of domestic violence, spousal abuse is a common charge in California. If you have been charged with domestic violence in the form of spousal abuse, the following consequences may apply to you.

Spousal Battery (CA Penal Code § 243)

A misdemeanor charge which may result in:

  • Up to 1 year in county jail
  • Up to $2,000 in fines

Corporal Injury on a Spouse (CA Penal Code § 273.5)

felony charge which may result in:

  • 2-4 years in jail
  • Up to $6,000 in fines

Violation of Restraining Order (CA Penal Code § 273.6)

A misdemeanor charges which may result in:

  • Up to 1 year in county jail
  • Up to $1,000 in fines

Salinas Domestic Violence Attorneys On Your Side

Whatever the circumstances behind the call, it is unlikely that the police officers who respond to the scene will have the time and resources to fully investigate your relationship and uncover all potential biases and reasons to make the allegations that your accuser may have had. That is why it is important to have a committed and experienced Salinas criminal defense attorney who will painstakingly research the facts of your domestic violence case and put the allegations against you in their proper factual context.

Let Law Offices of William V. Pernik see you through this confusing, emotionally charged legal process so that you can put the past behind you and move forward with your life. Call our office today to schedule your initial consultation with a proven domestic violence attorney in Salinas, CA.

Law Offices of William V. Pernik serves Carmel, the entire Monterey County as well as the surrounding counties. Arrange your free consultation today by calling 831-480-9165.

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